Children & Education

What childcare options are there in Austria? Where can I continue my education or learn German?

Childcare options

There are various forms of childcare in Austria:

  • Crèches: for children under 3 years of age
  • Kindergartens: for children aged 3 and over


Kindergarten is primarily an important preparation for school, especially for children with a non-German mother tongue. In Austria, kindergarten is compulsory – your children must attend a kindergarten for at least one year before starting school.

Half-day kindergarten attendance (in public facilities) is free of cost for 4 to 6-year-old children in Tyrol.
  • After-school centres: For primary school children from 6 to 10 years old
  • All-day schools: Depending on the school, for children aged 6 to 14 years
  • Private childcare services: Childminders, babysitters, surrogate mothers / surrogate grandmothers


For detailed information on childcare options, an overview of childcare facilities in Tyrol and a hotline (24/7) for queries is available on the childcare homepage at:


You can find the offers in your municipality in the municipality section.

Enrolling your child in kindergarten

Your child can attend kindergarten after completing 3 years of age. You should enrol your child in a local crèche or kindergarten as soon as possible after birth. The enrolment period usually ends a few months before the start of the crèche/kindergarten. You must bring your child with you for enrolment to kindergarten. It is best to make an appointment by telephone in advance.


The documents required to enrol your child depend on the respective municipality. It is best to enquire at the municipal office or kindergarten. The following documents are usually required:

  • Child’s immunisation record/E-Card
  • Confirmation of registration of the child and the legal guardian(s)
  • Birth certificate of the child

Kindergarten for one year is compulsory in Austria. Half-day attendance at kindergarten (20 hours) is compulsory in Austria. This obligation applies to the year prior to admission in school. In public kindergartens, the half-day attendance is free of charge. Detailed information is available here.

Compulsory schooling

There is compulsory schooling for children in Austria. The start date depends on the age of the child and is always during the academic year in which the child turns 7 years old. This means

  • 6th birthday before 1st September: school enrolment in the present academic year
  • 6th birthday after 1st September: school enrolment in the next academic year


Compulsory schooling lasts for 9 academic years (6 to at least 15 years old). Compulsory schooling lasts until the age of 15 years – this is regardless of the type of school. For this reason, children must be enrolled in a school when they move to Austria. Public schools are free of charge, but there are often copying costs or small fees for excursions. Depending on the school, enrolment takes place online or in person.

Detailed information on compulsory schooling is available here: Compulsory education

Education system briefly explained

The crèches, kindergartens and schools available in each municipality are listed in detail in the municipality-specific section.


Detailed information on school types and an overview chart of the entire education system in Austria is available here, including downloadable brochures in 12 different languages: Educational Pathways Austria

Registration information: As a parent, you must register your child at the primary school or secondary school of your choice. You must take your child with you for enrolment. The date of enrolment will be publicised. You will receive information from the school about the documents that you need to bring with you for enrolment.

School education for children with disabilities

Children with disabilities can apply for “special educational needs”. This must be determined by the school authorities. There are 2 options in that case: Either your child attends a mainstream school and is assigned a support person who specifically caters to your child’s needs. Or your child attends a suitable special school.

You can get help with this from various advisory centres. One of these is Integration Tyrol.

Native language teaching. Some schools provide the opportunity for children of immigrants to be taught in their native language, even if the general language of instruction is German. Various languages such as Turkish, Serbian, Arabic, Italian or Polish are available and offered at Tyrolean schools. Detailed information can be obtained from the respective school.

Religious education

Religious education is a compulsory subject at Austrian schools. Your child attends the religious instruction of the religious community to which they belong. The following faiths have their own religious education in Tyrol: Catholic, Protestant, Christian Orthodox and Islamic. It is possible to opt out of religious education and attend ethics classes instead. This is compulsory if you deregister your child from religious education. The request for deregistration must be submitted in writing to the school management within the first 5 days of the academic year.


Detailed information is available here:

Help with homework for your child

There are various options for helping with homework for your child. Sometimes there are tutoring programmes at your child’s school. Some organisations, such as the adult education centre, the Red Cross learning house or the student help service, offer homework supervision and learning assistance for primary school students.
For detailed information click here.


You can find out exactly the services that are available in the respective municipality in the municipality-specific section. There are also websites where you can search for a private homework tutor.

Afternoon care after school

In principle, some primary schools, secondary schools and grammar schools in the respective town or municipality offer after-school care for children. You can learn exactly about the services that are available in the respective municipality in the municipality-specific section. In most cases, afternoon care includes lunch, homework supervision and a games programme, depending on the child’s desires. Enrolment must take place in the first week of school at the latest. You can also always get detailed information on the school’s website. Sometimes, there are also other facilities in the municipality, such as an after-school care centre, where children can spend their afternoons under supervision.

Basic and advanced education opportunities for adults

Funding options

Covering costs for advanced education:

The recognition of academic degrees and academic titles is carried out by the National Information Centre for Academic Recognition. To do this, you must submit an application with your documents, which will then be assessed by the National Information Centre. For some professions (such as medicine or teaching), an application is not sufficient and a formal recognition procedure must be completed. For detailed information please click here: Recognition of qualifications

Sponsorship by “Education allowance update”:

The province of Tyrol subsidises measures to enhance professional qualifications. You may apply for the “Bildungsgeld update”. This subsidises the costs of education for basic and advanced education offered by recognised training providers.


The amount of the sponsorship is

  • 30 % of the course costs as basic funding, and
  • 20 % of the course costs as an educational bonus for certain successfully completed final examinations

How and when you can avail of the sponsorship is available here: Education allowance update

Special programme for advanced education bonus Tyrol:

The aim of the sponsorship programme is to create a professional incentive for higher professional qualifications. The following training measures are subsidised:

  • Upgrading vocational qualifications (especially apprenticeship qualifications)
  • Retraining if this leads to higher qualification
  • Job-related education and advanced education programmes
  • Measures for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications


Details on how and when you can get this sponsorship are provided here: Special programme for advanced education allowance in Tyrol

Recognition of academic degrees and titles

There are no standardised regulations in Austria regarding the recognition of qualifications acquired abroad. There are various procedures for recognising qualifications (degrees) obtained abroad, which differ depending on the area of the qualification.

  • Professional recognition (professional authorisation) of regulated professions in line with the EU Recognition Directive
  • Nostrification of school and school-leaving certificates
  • Nostrification of academic qualifications for practising the profession
  • Equivalence of apprenticeship qualifications

Here you will find information on the: Procedure for formal recognition

Counselling centre AST

AST offers free and multilingual counselling and support for you if you have obtained your graduation and formal qualifications abroad. The aim is to facilitate integration into the labour market in line with your qualifications.

Contact point Tyrol – ZeMiT/ AST – Centre for Migrants in Tyrol (reservation required for all dates!)

Or in Innsbruck

Recognition of academic degrees and titles

The recognition of academic degrees and academic titles is carried out by the National Information Centre for Academic Recognition. To do this, you must submit an application with your documents, which will then be assessed by the National Information Centre.


For some professions (such as medicine or teaching), an application is not sufficient and a formal recognition procedure must be completed. For detailed information please click here:
Recognition of qualifications

Learning German

Knowledge of German makes life in Austria easier. It will help you to find a job, go shopping, talk to the doctor and deal with the authorities. German is also important for making contact with the Austrian population and authorities. The best way to learn German is to come into contact with the Austrian people.

What are the courses offered?

Offline language courses

  • Basic education courses for reading, writing and maths
  • Language courses for various language levels A1 – C2
  • German courses, especially for everyday working life

Online language courses

On the language portal of the Austrian Integration Fund, you will find a number of options and plenty of information on learning German. This homepage is available in 9 different languages

Contact points

  • Adult education centres
  • Private language schools
  • Educational counselling in Tyrol
  • WIFI (Business Promotion Institute of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber)
  • BFI (Vocational Training Institute)
When attending a German course, you have the option of funding from the province of Tyrol. For detailed information click here. The individual contact points of the municipalities are listed in the municipality-specific section

There are various places and contact points in Kufstein where you can learn German:

ABC Café

The “ABC Café” is a low-threshold educational programme for people whose first language is not German. Migrants, persons entitled to asylum and subsidiary protection, as well as refugees who have not yet been recognised, have the option of avail of the ABC Café’s learning courses free of charge. The focus is on improving German language skills for everyday professional and family life.

Registration and information – BFI Kufstein

Women (ABC-Café meets Marjam) – Mon., 09:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Anyone who wants to practise German – Tue., 09:00 to 11:30 a.m.

Mothers and children – Thu. and Fri., 13:30 to 16:30

Learning support for 10 to 14-year-olds – Mon. and Tue., 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.

AMS Kufstein
Individual German language courses are offered for jobseekers. You can also get financial support for some basic and advanced education from the Public Employment Service.
BFI Tyrol
The BFI offers German courses for levels A1 to C1 twice a year.
AHA! - The language experts
Adult education centre Kufstein

German as a foreign language at all levels

WIFI Kufstein
Various language courses at all levels.

Support for German courses

In most cases, you can apply for only one sponsorship.
Austrian Integration Fund (OeIF)

The Austrian Integration Fund offers counselling in the fields of language, education and employment ,and promotes integration measures such as language courses or the recognition of foreign qualifications for various groups of people (depending on the funding).


Requirements for financial support for a language course:

  • Proof of valid residential status in Austria
  • Valid proof of identity
  • Registration form
  • E-Card (or substitute document)
  • Cost estimate for the German course
  • Social welfare notice

The nearest counselling centre is in Innsbruck:

You can get detailed information at:

Blue federal voucher

After signing the integration agreement, you will receive a blue federal voucher. With this voucher you can receive a refund of up to €750.00 for a German integration course. However, you will only be reimbursed if the German course is OeIF (Austrian Integration Fund) certified and you have passed an OeIF-certified German exam at level A2 or B1.

Province of Tyrol

Financial support from the Province of Tyrol is possible if you are not obliged to meet the integration agreement.


The funding amounts to:

  • 30% of the course costs as basic funding, and
  • 20% of the course costs as an educational bonus for certain final examinations passed with a positive result.


Requirements for support:

  • Residence or employment in Tyrol
  • Certificate of previous employment
  • Courses must be completed at recognised training centres
  • Attendance of at least 75 %
  • Older than 15 years of age
  • The course fee must be at least € 180.00, and for courses with an education bonus, they must be
    at least € 500.00


Detailed information is available here: Education fund update

Have a document translated & interpreter

AHA! - The language experts
Kitz Global

The interpreters in the list have all completed a certificate in translation at the University of Innsbruck. They are hired and paid privately by you. List of interpreters

Further information
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Infos zu deiner Gemeinde

Hier findest alle Informationen und Tipps für alle Gemeinden in der Kuusk Region

Kann ich Österreicher:in werden? Welche Rechte habe ich als Einwohner:in und welche Behörden gibt es in Österreich?

Wie finde ich einen Job in Österreich? Wie beantrage ich eine Arbeitsbewilligung und was ist die Rot-Weiß-Rot Karte?
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Was muss ich bei einer Schwangerschaft beachten? Gibt es finanzielle Unterstützung durch den Staat?
Wie kann ich mich versichern? Wie beantrage ich eine e-card und was muss ich über das Gesundheitssystem wissen?
An wem wende ich mich bei Problemen und Fragen? Welche regionalen Beratungsstellen gibt es?
Welche Freizeitangebote gibt es in der Region und in der Umgebung? Gibt es spezielle Angebote?
Hier findest alle Informationen und Tipps für alle Gemeinden in der Kuusk Region

Wonach suchst du?

General information

Can I become an Austrian? Can I become an Austrian? What rights do I have as a resident and which authorities exist in Austria?

Working in Austria

How do I find a job in Austria? How do I apply for a work permit and what is the red-white-red card?

Children & Education

What childcare options are there in Austria? Where can I continue my education or learn German?

Housing & Immigration

How do I register myself and my residence in Austria? How can I bring my family to Austria?

Family & Social Affairs

What do I need to consider during pregnancy? Is there any financial support from the state?

Health & Insurance

How can I insure myself? How do I apply for an e-card and what do I need to know about the healthcare system?

Counselling centres

Who do I turn to with problems and questions? Which regional advice centres are there?

Recreational activities

What leisure activities are available in the region and the surrounding area? Are there any special offers?


Here you will find all information and tips for all municipalities in the Kuusk region

Can I become an Austrian? Can I become an Austrian? What rights do I have as a resident and which authorities exist in Austria?

How do I find a job in Austria? How do I apply for a work permit and what is the red-white-red card?

What childcare options are there in Austria? Where can I continue my education or learn German?

How do I register myself and my residence in Austria? How can I bring my family to Austria?

What do I need to consider during pregnancy? Is there any financial support from the state?

How can I insure myself? How do I apply for an e-card and what do I need to know about the healthcare system?

Who do I turn to with problems and questions? Which regional advice centres are there?

What leisure activities are available in the region and the surrounding area? Are there any special offers?

Here you will find all information and tips for all municipalities in the Kuusk region

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